Honey bees

Honey bees


Honey bees are different from other speicies of bees because they produce and store honey.

Honey bees store they honey they make by placing it into nexts made out of wax. There are 7 different species of honey bees, while there are over 20,000 species of bees that have been discovered so far. The way to tell a honey bee apart from other bee species is that they have small barbs on their stinger. Once a honey bee attacks something and stings it, the stinger will release from the honey bee's body and release venom into its victims body. After the stinger is released, the honey bee will die.

Honey bees talk to eachother by making different chemicals and odors, which is something other types of insects use. Other ways honey bees communicate is by using different types of dances the tell other honey bees what is happening around in their environment, 

Honey bees have 5 eyes, 3 small onnes at the top of their head, and 2 big ones in front. Also, honey bees have hair on their eyes. This helps them detect wind direction, so the bees can stay on course in windy weather.

Honey bees bodies have yellow and black stripes, and they have 6 legs. They have a pollen baskets on their hind legs where they store the pollen they collect until they return to their hive. Honey bees have hair bodies, so pollen will cling to it. It is the easy for the bees to use their legs to brush it down into their pollen baskets.

 An adult honey bee grows to be about 1 and a half cm.

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